Artist Biography
Nuneham Courtenay, Oxon, England, 1934
Cochrane, Alberta, Canada, 2004
Intermediate Certificate in Art, The Oxford School of Technology, Art and Commerce National Diploma in Design (Sculpture), Oxford School of Art
Royal Scholar, Royal College of Art (First Class Honour Degree, Silver Medal for Sculpture, Awarded Associate of the Royal College of Art (A.R.C.A.))
Set up two studios and a metal casting foundry in Berkshire to facilitate control of large bronze work and research the process of direct metal casting, 1962
Initiated an “Art in Industry” experimental project at a large factory, Slough, England, 1973
Academic History
Acting Head, Department of Art, University of Calgary, 1992-1993 Professor in Sculpture, University of Calgary, 1981-
Visiting Artist, Alberta College of Art, 1987 Visiting Artist, Red Deer College, 1987 Visiting Artist, Lethbridge University, 1986
Visiting Artist, Okanagan College, 1985 Visiting Artist, Grande Prairie College, 1985
Visiting Lecturer, University of British Columbia, 1979
Sculptor’s Exchange, Emily Carr College of Art, Vancouver, 1979-1980 Visiting Lecturer, Ten Art Schools throughout England
External Assessor, National Council of Academic Awards
Senior Lecturer, Chelsea School of Art, London, 1965-1981 (instrumental in initiating a program of Fine Art Options) Juries
Chairman, Hungarian Memorial Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta, 1992
Judge, Sculpture Competition for the Engineering Complex, University of Calgary, 1986
Judge, National Sculpture Artist in Residence Competition, Kelowna, British Columbia, 1985-1986
Brookfield Bankers Hall National Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (entered jointly with JoAnne Schachtel, shortlisted)
Stantec Architects’ Macleod-Anderson Overpass Mural Competition, Calgary, Alberta (entered jointly with JoAnne Schachtel, winner)
Calgary Fire Department and Police Service Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (winner)
Standard Life Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (shortlisted)
Bowman Portrait Exhibition, Open Competition, Bowman Gallery, Lethbridge, Alberta (accepted and exhibited with Figure in “Prairie Landscape II” and “Section”)
The Calgary Downtown BRZ Bench Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (honorable mention with the sculpture “Everybody’s Secret”)
The Edmonton City Hall Competition, Edmonton, Alberta (entered jointly with JoAnne Schachtel with the relief sculpture “Verdant Streams”, shortlisted)
Mount Royal College Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (entered in collaboration with JoAnne Schachtel with the earthwork and sculpture installations of “Entrance” and “Centre”, shortlisted)
Research Grant, Thermal Gesso Research, University of Calgary
“Centre Piece”, commissioned by the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, Kowloon Park, Hong Kong
Olympic Oval Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (shortlisted)
The Centre for the Performing Arts Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (winner with “Duet”)
Athabasca University Sculpture Competition (shortlisted)
Catalogue of “Proposition of Potential” made possible by financial support awarded by Alberta Culture in celebration of their Anniversary to the Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta
The Herbert Baker Travelling Award, The Royal Academy of Art, London, England 1962 The Sainsbury Award
Silver Medal for Sculpture, The Royal College of Art Travelling Scholarship, The Royal College of Art Royal Scholar, The Royal College of Art
Other Experience
Participated in the Muttart’s ‘Art Appreciation’ by hosting a studio visit which included talking about the work and demonstrating the various casting techniques used, Calgary, Alberta
Participated in a portfolio of prints “13/93” with the original print, “Brand”, 18 in x 12 in, produced by the Department of Art, donated to local collections, Calgary, Alberta
Work Exhibited (post-mortem)
The Presence of Absence, Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (20 ft x 12 ft installation; mixed media)
The Unswept Floor, Triangle Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (20 ft x 12 ft installation, mixed media, curated by Caterina Pizanias)
The Unswept Floor, Cultural Olympics, Cultural Foundation, Tinos, Greece (20 ft x 12 ft installation, mixed media, curated by Caterina Pizanias)
Work Exhibited (Canada)
The Unswept Floor: At Home and Abroad, Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (80 ft x 12 ft installation, mixed media)
A Binary Perspective, Virginia Christopher Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (solo exhibition)
Perfecting the View, Triangle Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (retrospective solo exhibition curated by Caterina Pizanias)
Green, Virginia Christopher Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (mixed group exhibition, five mixed media reliefs)
Retrospective 4 x 4 (a quantum state), Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (78 ft x 10 ft installation, mixed media)
Dig (unfolded version), Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (78 ft x 13 ft x 10 ft installation, plaster prints)
How to Build a Binary House, Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (18 plaster relief panels, 24 ft x 24 ft each)
Dig, Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (20 ft x 20 ft x 10 ft installation, plaster prints, 80 ft linear component, 10 ft x 10 ft pool of 4000 shards and 12 ft x 2 ft panel with multiple images)
Things to Take to School, Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (installation 35 ft x 8 ft, mixed media)
Perfection of the View, Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (installation 32 ft x 12 ft, mixed media)
Christmas Salon Exhibition, Deacon Ulrich Fine Arts, Calgary, Alberta (mixed exhibition, six works exhibited)
Detritus, Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (installation 28 ft x 8 ft, mixed media)
Busker, Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (installation 20 ft x 6 ft x 6 ft, mixed media)
Redefining Watercolour Exhibition, Deacon Ulrich Fine Arts, Calgary, Alberta 1996 Summer Salon Exhibition, Deacon Ulrich Fine Arts, Calgary, Alberta
Suncor Collects Exhibition, Muttart Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (group exhibition, “Figure in a Landscape”, small relief work of mixed media)
Recent Work, Deacon Ulrich Fine Arts, Calgary, Alberta (solo exhibition that consisted of three series (Detritus, Wallgame, Binary) and other work, materials: bronze, cold cast bronze and plaster)
In Our Image Exhibition, Muttart Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (“Detritus”, installation of 200 components, 40 ft x 8 ft mixed media, three-person exhibition)
Small Works Exhibition, Deacon Ulrich Fine Arts, Calgary, Alberta (“Four Works”, 12 in x 12 in, mixed media)
THE walk YELLOW don’t CHRIST walk, Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (installation 20 ft x 20 ft x 12 ft, mixed media)
Fin De Siecle, Faculty exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (30 ft x 30 ft, mixed media)
Figures in a Prairie Landscape, ‘Artists Circle’ Exhibition, Triangle Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (group exhibition, 6 ft x 16 ft)
Figure Field, ‘Artist as Collector’ Exhibition, Triangle Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (group exhibition, 6 ft x 6 ft)
Impressions, Shadows and Echoes, The Prairie Collective, Reeve Theatre, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta (research project invited by the Canadian Society for Aesthetics, The Learned Society, 250 ft x 250 ft x 150 ft)
Recent Work, Main Gallery, The Prairie Gallery, Grande Prairie, Alberta (Arnatt / Schachtel joint exhibition, 24 ft x 24 ft)
Retrospective (In Parentheses), Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (49 ft x 5 ft, mixed media)
Falling Figure and Falling Figure II, Post Miniature Exhibition and Silent Auction, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta (10 in x 5 in cold cast bronze)
Figure in Prairie Landscape II and Section, Bowman Portrait Exhibition open competition, Lethbridge, Alberta (24 in x 24 in, cold cast bronze)
Falling Man and Fragment, Muttart Art Gallery Exhibition and Auction, Calgary, Alberta (12 in x 5 in, cold cast bronze)
Lovers, invited by the ASA, Centre for the Performing Arts, Calgary, Alberta (72 in x 72 in, cold cast bronze)
Figure Fragments, Muttart Art Auction/Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta (8 in x 10 in, cold cast resin)
Falling Figure and Figure Fragment, HIRS Art Auction/Exhibition, Nova, Calgary, Alberta (8 in x 10 in, cold cast bronze.)
Portrait, Pin, Detritus, Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (29 ft x 6 ft, resin, fibreglass)
Everybody’s Secret, on exhibition as part of the Calgary Downtown BRZ Bench Sculpture Competition (maquette)
Verdant Streams, on exhibition in the Edmonton Public Library (maquette) 1992 And even the flowers …, Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (40 ft x 10 ft, hydrocal, fibreglass and resin)
Dynamic Interaction, developed for the Edmonton City Hall Competition (model) 1991 Polaris (North Star), Verdant Streams, Northern Alignment, developed in collaboration with JoAnne Schachtel for the Edmonton City Hall Competition (models)
Seamless Fragments, Virginia Christopher Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (selection of plaster relief sculpture)
Seamless Fragments, Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (installation. 34 ft x 17 ft x 6 ft, wood and plaster)
Silent Vigil, Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (12 ft x 10 ft x 3 ft, mixed media)
Prairie Geometry, Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (20 ft x 30 ft x 8 ft, aluminum)
Centre, Grande Prairie Sculpture Competition (series of models)
Prairie Geometry (invited to 1989 Summer Exhibition, installed in front of the Inn Courts, Edmonton, organized by the Edmonton Art Gallery, 40 ft x 80 ft x 8 ft aluminum and fibreglass)
Studio Music, Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (installation 10 ft x 8 ft x 5 ft, wood and gesso)
A.B.C. of Sculpture, Hybrids Exhibition, Muttart Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (installation)
Prairie Dig, Little Gallery, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta (4 ft x 4 ft, mixed media relief)
Artist Circle Exhibition and Sale, Triangle Gallery of Visual Arts, Calgary, Alberta 1988 Permanent Collection Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta
Circus, Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (installation, 60 ft x 40 ft x 7 ft, gesso on wood, steel)
Corner, Hybrids Exhibition, Muttart Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (installation, 15 ft x 10 ft x 8 ft, wood and gesso)
Winter Garland, Wall / Space Exhibition, Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta (8 ft 3 in x 8 ft 3 in, mixed media)
Prairie Geometry, Wall / Space Exhibition, Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta (40 ft x 6 ft 3 in x 8 in, mixed media)
Blue Shift, Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (40 ft x 4 in x 16 in, wood and gesso)
Illusion and Paradox, Winnipeg Perspective, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba (“Spin – Off”, 88 ft x 50 ft x 10 ft, wood and gesso, steel, bronze and aluminum)
System – Ritual, Ring House Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta (“Holon”, installation 20 ft x 18 ft, gesso on wood and steel)
Prairie, Reeve Theatre, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta (interdisciplinary installation, with the Prairie Collective)
Binary Love Seat, Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (7 ft x 6 ft x 2 ft, wood and gesso)
Selected Sculpture, Grand Forks Gallery, British Columbia
Permanent Collection Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta
Co-opposites, Reeve Theatre, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta (installation, with the Prairie Collective)
Design in Alberta Exhibition, Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta
Silent Lesson, Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (installation, 30 ft x 30 ft x 6 ft, wood and gesso)
Binary Shaft, Athabasca University Gallery (model for the Athabasca Sculpture Competition)
Recent Acquisitions, Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta
The Enigma, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (“Crossover”, installation 40 ft x 20 ft, wood and gesso)
Symphonic Field, Faculty Exhibition, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (40 ft x 8 ft x 8 ft, wood and gesso)
Proposition of Potential, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (one person exhibition, 60 wood and gesso works)
Albertan Transfer, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta (one person exhibition, 40 ft x 40 ft x 6 ft, wood and gesso)
Left Right, Left Right Forever, James Ulrich Gallery, Calgary, Alberta (one person exhibition, 40 wood and gesso works)
Recent Acquisitions, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta 1982 Small Works Exhibition, James Ulrich Gallery, Calgary, Alberta
The 970 Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia (one person exhibition) 1980 The Hyatt ’80 Exhibition, Vancouver, British Columbia
Diversity Exhibition, Robson Square, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Helen Pitt Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia (one person exhibition)
Work Exhibited (England)
Articulated Opposites, Great Linford Sculpture Park, Milton Keynes
Five large bronzes on permanent exhibition at architect Derek Walker’s residence, Bucks.
Sculpture for Douai Abbey, Berkshire 1981 Art in the Library, Basingstoke
Imperial Studio Construct, Chelsea Gallery The Old Gaol Art Centre, Abingdon
The Bear Lane Gallery, Oxford The Building Centre, London
National Art Exhibition, Chichester Reading Museum and Art Gallery
Three Artists Exhibition, Mortimer, Berkshire The Pershore Festival
Park Square Gallery, Leeds (one person show)
Arts Council of Great Britain (travelling exhibition) The I.C.A. Gallery, London
The Piccadilly Gallery, London The A.I.A. Gallery, London
The Young Contemporaries Exhibition, London The Chelsea Gallery, London
The Guggenheim Gallery, Royal College of Art The Royal Academy, London
Art into Landscape, Serpentine Gallery, London
Selected Commissions
Legato, Macleod-Anderson Overpass, Stantec Architects, Calgary, Alberta (300 ft x 20 ft sculpture, painted cast concrete)
Vigil and Sentinel, Calgary Fire Department and Calgary Police Service Commemorative Sculpture, Calgary, Alberta (12 ft x 12 ft x 10 ft 6 in each sculpture, bronze and cast concrete)
Centre Piece, Kowloon Park, Hong Kong (61 ft x 8 ft x 8 ft, aluminum, fibreglass and resin)
Continuum, Pre-Cambrian Resources Corporation, Calgary, Alberta
Duet, Centre for the Performing Arts, Calgary, Alberta (25 ft, mild steel with painted surface)
Articulated Opposites, Harrogate, England (13 ft x 3 ft, bronze)
Articulated Simple – Complex, Queen’s College, Edgbaston, England (10 ft x 4 ft, bronze)
Spheres: Inside – Outside, Weymouth Theatre, England (copper)
Simple-Complex, Horizontal-Vertical, Leeds, England (11 ft x 5 ft, aluminum)
Simple – Complex, Garforth, England (10 ft x 1 ft, bronze)
Simple – Complex, Minster Lovell, Oxon, England (3 ft x 1 ft, bronze)
Fragment, London County Council, England (8 ft x 4 ft x 4 ft, bronze)
Installation, Lincoln College, Oxford, England (4 ft x 4 ft x 4 ft, cement fondu and glass)
Central Paradox, Milton Keynes, England (12 ft x 10 ft x 10 ft, bronze)
Articulated Opposites, Memorial sculpture to Sir Joseph Swan, Newcastle, England (16 ft x 12 ft, bronze)
Competitions Entered
Brookfield Bankers Hall National Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (entered jointly with JoAnne Schachtel, shortlisted)
Stantec Architects’ Macleod-Anderson Overpass Mural Competition, Calgary, Alberta (invited, entered jointly with JoAnne Schachtel, winner)
The Chinese Commemorative Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (shortlisted) 1996 The Calgary Police Service and Fire Department Sculpture Competition, Calgary,
Alberta (winner)
Sunlife Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (shortlisted) 1995 Alberta Biennal (juried competition)
City of Kitchener Sculpture Competition, Kitchener, Ontario (joint submission with JoAnne Schachtel)
901 West Hasting Sculpture Competition, Vancouver, British Columbia (joint submission with JoAnne Schachtel)
St. Albert Major Sculpture Competition (joint submission with JoAnne Schachtel) 1993 Fossil Figure, Toyamura International Sculpture Biennale, Japan (10 in x 6 in x 8 in, hydrocal)
Components on a Square, Ondaatje Court Sculpture Competition, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (entered with JoAnne Schachtel, 36 in x 36 in, mixed media)
Kalamazoo International Sculpture Competition, Kalamazoo, U.S.A. (entered with JoAnne Schachtel)
Ephemeral Fragments, The Arts 17 Society of Calgary Mural Competition, Calgary, Alberta (maquette, entered with JoAnne Schachtel)
Components from Two Pieces, Art Rodeo Outdoor Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (entered with JoAnne Schachtel)
Manitoba’s Children’s Museum Sculpture Competition, Winnipeg, Manitoba (joint submission with JoAnne Schachtel)
Verdant Streams, Edmonton City Hall Competition (joint submission with JoAnne Schachtel, shortlisted)
Echo, Northern Drum, Nucleus, Grande Prairie Sculpture Competition, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Place, Arch, Gateway, Grande Prairie Sculpture Competition, Grande Prairie, Alberta (joint submission with JoAnne Schachtel)
Northern Alignment, Verdant Streams, Polaris, New Edmonton City Hall Sculpture Competition, Edmonton, Alberta (joint submission with JoAnne Schachtel)
Dynamic Interaction, New Edmonton City Hall Sculpture Competition, Edmonton, Alberta (80 ft x 10 ft, mixed media)
Entrance, Centre, Mount Royal College Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (joint submission with JoAnne Schachtel, shortlisted)
Olympic Marker, Olympic Oval Sculpture Competition, Calgary, Alberta (150 ft x 60 ft, mixed media)
The Prairie Art Gallery, Grande Prairie, Alberta The City of Edmonton, Edmonton, Alberta
The Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta
Calgary Regional Arts Foundation, Calgary, Alberta Athabasca University, Athabasca, Alberta
Centre for the Performing Arts, Calgary, Alberta Pre-Cambrian Resources, Calgary, Alberta Lethbridge University, Lethbridge, Alberta
The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hong Kong Mount Royal College, Calgary, Alberta
Alberta Arts Foundation
Calgary Contemporary Arts Society, Calgary, Alberta
Many private collections in England, the U.S.A. and Canada
Publications and Interviews
Alberta Society of Artists, The First 70 Years, book, “THE walk YELLOW don’t CHRIST walk” pgs 112-113
Architectural Monographs No 43, The View from Great Linford, Derek Walker & Associates, England
Recent Work catalogue, joint exhibition with JoAnne Schachtel, The Prairie Gallery, Grande Prairie
Interview given to Kay Burns, for her research for her thesis “Ars Artium”, University of Calgary
Human Form, Human Function, a video made by Kay Burns from the interview for her thesis “Ars Artium”, University of Calgary
The Double Vision, lecture presented to the Aperion Society, ASPP Symposium, Kananaskis, Alberta
Gallery Talks Faculty Lecture Series. Introduction and Gallery Talk, “Portrait, Pin, Detritus”, sponsored by the Nickle Arts Museum and the Department of Art as part of the Faculty Exhibition
A Second Look At Calgary’s Public Art, book compiled by Barbara Kwasny and Elaine Peake
Creativity in Art and Life, introduced the topic for the half hour program for Channel 10, sponsored by the Apeiron Society
Dialogue, participated on the panel in this half hour program for Channel 10, sponsored by the Apeiron Society
Design Synectics, Stimulating Creativity in Design, Nicholas Roukes, Davis Publications 1986 Sculpture Today, panel member at the University of Alberta, Edmonton
Duet, film for Western Canadian Lotteries
Interview for C.J.S.W., on “Duet”, University of Calgary campus radio station
Entertainment This Week, interview for C.B.C of “Crossover 1984”
Arts Alive, Cable 10, Calgary
Contemporary British Artists, entry into, published by Bergstrom and Boyle, London
Volumes and Voids, B.B.C. television profile